Our next specialty training series will be Gymnastics– the power and beauty of moving your body effortlessly through space. This course will run for 6 weeks, September 16th through October 25th meeting every Thursday at 5 pm and Sunday at 9 am.
In this specialty training series, we will train and teach you a methodology to progress your skill in the following movements:
- Hand Stand Hold/ Walk/ 1 Arm HS Hold
- Hand Stand Push Up- Strict & Kipping
- Pull Ups- Kipping & Butterfly
- Muscle Ups & Bar Muscle Ups
- Ring Dips & Bar Dips- Strict & Kipping
- Burpees and more….
Feel like you can all ready perform these moves?? Let us give you pointers and tips on how to perfect your movement. There is always room for improvement, even for the best of the best (especially when every second counts!).
Each class will consist of a Warm Up, Movement Progression, Skill (learning the movement of the day) and a Gymnastics based WOD. The course is designed to work in harmony with your current CrossFit training and will add skill and technique to your all ready strong foundation. The cost is $119 and the first class will meet on Sunday September 16th at 9 am.
For more information, please email [email protected] or just show up on Sunday!