Kyle G. has been at Tamalpais CrossFit for just under a year and I can not believe how strong he has gotten. Kyle’s spirit in class is uplifting and supportive and you will never hear him complain. He moves weight and accomplishes each workout with grace and agility. I am so proud of how far Kyle has come! Lets just say that Kyle’s first visit to Tamalpais CrossFit was quite memorable (for all involved) and I can not believe that he is the same person that walked through the doors in May of 2010!
Tell me a little about your athletic background, did you ever do sports in high school or for fun?
When I was a kid my favorite thing to do during recess was run as fast as I could, I could never sit still! Tag and hide n’ seek were among my favorites. I played basketball in middle school and during games I was notoriously know for stealing passes then proceeding to miss the easy lay-up, 9 out of 10 times. In high school I played football for my junior and senior year. I had a lot of fun! Sports is always a great way to challenge yourself. I have never gone snowboarding and would love to learn in the near future.
Did you ever imagine that you would be as strong and as fast as you are today?
As a kid I always knew I was a fast runner I just never had the strength or endurance to maintain my speed. I am amazed by how Tamalpais CrossFit has been able to dramatically increase my workout performance from walking my dog and thinking about making a change to actually going out and making that change happen. I know I am making progress and I thank everyone at TCF for all the support they have given me!
What is the one thing you like most about Tamalpais CrossFit?
The one thing that stands out to me the most about Tam CrossFit is the people I have met in class. I didn’t realize how friendly and uplifting the environment was going to be. At first I thought Cross Fit would be a “get in get out” mentality , but after my first few weeks of class, I had met some really nice people that I now consider good friends.
What is your favorite WOD and favorite CrossFit move (ie: snatch, press, deadlift)
My favorite WOD is any workout where I’m not alone! My favorite move will soon be butterfly pull-ups when I can do more than one.
Do you ever see yourself competing in any CrossFit competitions in the future?
Of course! I plan on going to watch the CrossFit Games this year to really see what it’s all about and then I want to increase my workout performance to push my own physical limits.