Zoom Class Schedule:
Monday- 6:30am & 9:00am
Tuesday- 9:00am & 5:30pm followed by Stretchy Tyme at 6:20 (participate in both or one or the other)
Wednesday- 6:30am & 9:00am
Thursday- 9:00am & 5:30pm followed by Stretchy Tyme at 6:20 (participate in both or one or the other)
Friday- 6:30am & 9:00am
Saturday- 9:00am
Login for all ZOOM classes- Meeting Password- 214698
1 Minute Each
Spiderman + Reach
Active Samson
Push-up to Down Dog
1 Minute Each
Front Plank on Hands
Side Plank (30 Seconds Each Side)
Hollow Hold
1 Round
3 Strict Pull-ups
6 Push-ups
12 AbMat Sit-ups
24 Step Back Lunges
3 Rounds:
10 Strict Pull-ups or 20 Odd Object Rows
20 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
40 Jumping Lunges
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Strict Pull-ups or 20 Odd Object Rows
Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds
- This all bodyweight workout is a twist on the benchmark “Barbara”
- After completing the 7 stations, you’ll rest 3 minutes between rounds
- With a fair amount of rest built in and little interference between consecutive movements, the goal is work quickly through each round
- Your score is the total time it takes to complete the 3 rounds, including rest time
- Choose a number or variation that allows you to complete the work in 1-3 sets
- If you don’t have a pull-up bar available – complete 20 odd object rows
- Choose a number or variation that allows you to complete the work in 2-4 sets
- Use an AbMat for this station if you have it
- If not, you can anchor your feet under dumbbells or your couch
- Alternate legs every rep for a total of 20 each side
- Jump to full lower body extension at the top of each rep
- Gently kiss the back knee to the ground at the bottom of each rep
- If jumping lunges bother the knees in any way, switch to alternating step back lunges
- Reduce Reps
- Banded Strict Pull-ups
- Ring Rows
- 20 Odd Object Rows
- Reduce Reps
- Elevate Hands (Box, Bench, Chair)
- Knee Push-ups
- Alternating Step Back Lunges
- The workout has little interference between back to back movements
- The movements flow as follows:
- Upper Body Pull
- Upper Body Push
- Midline
- Lower Body Push
- This format – along with built in rest – allows you to work through bigger sets
- Be intelligently aggressive, especially on the strict pull-ups and push-ups
- Envision how you’d break these up in the second half of each round and do that from the beginning
Body Armor
Tabata Dumbbell Front Squats
8 Rounds:
20 Second Work
10 Seconds Rest
- Hold 2 dumbbells in the front rack position for these squatting intervals
- Tabata Intervals:
8 Rounds:
20 Seconds Work
10 Seconds Rest - With rest built in, the goal is to move for as much of the 20 seconds as possible
- If 2 dumbbells is too heavy and will cause you to stop moving – only use 1 dumbbell
- In this case, you can hold the bell in the goblet position