Expanded Zoom Class Schedule Starting Monday:
Monday- 7:30am & 9:00am
Tuesday- 9:00am & 5:30PM followed by Stretchy Tyme at 6:20 (participate in both or one or the other)
Wednesday- 7:30am & 9:00am
Thursday- 9:00am & 5:30PM followed by Stretchy Tyme at 6:20 (participate in both or one or the other)
Friday- 7:30am & 9:00am
Saturday- 9:00am
all Zoom workouts (including Stretchy Tyme) will have the same link: https://zoom.us/j/5520039138 but I will still include in each post.
5 Rounds:
5 Russian Baby Makers
20 Slow Bicycle
15 Scapular Push-ups
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches
40 Double-Unders/Single Unders or Invisible Jump Rope/ Plate Jumps
20 Burpees
40 Double-Unders/Single Unders or Invisible Jump Rope/ Plate Jumps
20 “Odd-Object” Ground-to-Overhead
20 Lateral Hops over “Odd-Object”
20 Burpees
20 Lateral Hops over “Odd-Object”
• Looking to complete 5+ rounds in this 15 minute AMRAP
• Find a moderate- heavy weight on the DB that will allow you to complete the set unbroken
• The main thing to consider today is how to attack the burpees, this is likely where people will get held up
• Aim to complete the double unders unbroken