Are you ready to be as strong as a bear?? Well get your weightlifting shoes on and get ready to take your strength to the next level!
For the next 3 months, we will be using Westside Barbell methods to build strength, power and speed in our lifts. Westside has had great results by combining Max Effort, Repetition and Dynamic Effort lifts. These varied methods will coincide with our CrossFit WODs and allow us to train hard without over-training.
Strength Training will start Sunday, June 2nd and end August 22nd. We will meet on Sundays at 9 am and Thursdays at 5 pm. The cost is $139.00 for 3 months.
If you are interested in attending the Strong as a Bear Strength Program, just show up for class on Sunday. Cant make it 2 days a week?? No problem, we are happy to discount the rate for 1 time a week-ers! Once a week is better then nothing and it will make a difference!
Get ready to set lot’s of new PR’s!! Get in line to ring the bell!!
Want to know more about strength training? Visit Westside Barbell or Power WOD .