GRIZZLY-200m Run
30 Med Ball V-Ups 14/20
200m Run
20 Power Cleans 80/115 M65/95
200m Run
10 Wall Walks
200m Run
20 Power Cleans
200m Run
30 Med Ball V-Ups
200m Run
KODIAK– 200m Run
30 Med Ball V-Ups 10/14
200m Run
20 Power Cleans 65/95 M55/75
200m Run
8 Wall Walks
200m Run
20 Power Cleans
200m Run
30 Med Ball V-Ups
200m Run
POLAR– 100m Run
30 Sit Ups
100m Run
20 Dumbbell Power Cleans (light)
100m Run
10 Inchworms
100m Run
20 Dumbbell Power Cleans (light)
100m Run
30 Sit Ups
100m Run
4 sets x 3 reps of Weighted Strict Pull Ups
[Go up in weight each round]
-rest at least 90 seconds between sets (one partner works while the
other completes a set)
4 sets x Max Effort Unbroken Strict Pull Ups OR Box Assist Pull Ups
-rest at least 90 seconds between sets- (one partner works while the
other completes a set)
4 sets x 4 reps of Box Assist Pull Ups or Ring Rows
-rest at least 90 seconds between sets- (one partner works while the
other completes a set)