GRIZZLY– 25x50ft Shuttle Runs
25 Burpee Pull Ups
50 Floor Press 95/135 M75/115
25 Burpee Pull Ups
25x50ft Shuttle Runs
KODIAK-75/115 M65/95
POLAR-15x50ft Shuttle Runs
15 Sprawls + 15 DB Bent Over Rows
30 DB Floor Press – Light
15 Sprawls + 15 DB Bent Over Rows
15x50ft Shuttle Runs
ACCESSORY– Option 1 or 2
Option 1: Rope Climbs: Week 3 Day 2
3 rounds of 30 seconds of
work/30 seconds of rest:
[Stay on each station for all 3 rounds BEFORE you rotate]
Minute 1 :Zombie Rope Climbs
Minute 2: V-Ups on Floor
Minute 3: Double Farmer
Carry Hold 45/65 or 25/40
Alternate Workout Option:
9 minute AMRAP
5 Inchworms
15 Sit Ups
45 second Double Farmer Carry Hold
Option 2: Leg Day 4 Rounds
10 Barbell Romanian Deadlift @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality RPE 7
12 DB Walking Lunges @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
10 Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7