This is just a fun Kenny appreciation WOD to keep his spirits up because he is such a trooper!! Go Kenny!!
30 Single Leg DB Snatch (15 each side- not alternating)
15 Box Dips (or Ring Dips)
- 1 min single leg quadra-ped hold
- 2 min Rest
30 Seated DB Press
15 Single Leg Squats or to a Box (all Right first rnd- all Left second rnd)
- 1 min single leg quadra-ped hold
- 2 min Rest
30 B Stance RDL (15 Each side- then switch)- use 1 DB if 2 is too aggressive
15 Cross Leg Push Ups
- 1 min single leg quadra-ped hold
After you complete each couplet- preform 1 min of Single Leg Quadra-ped Hold followed by 2 min of rest
DB WEIGHT- 25/35 M20/30