Our Open House for our new space is this TODAY from 10-11, we will have a special WOD- (below, with a surprise) bubbles to drink, berries to eat and a antioxidant testing machine to measure your levels…. so much fun all in one spot!

Strong As A Bear- Celebration WOD

WOD 1:

10 Min Cap

400 M Partner Run with Medball

75 P. Snatches- 55/75

75 Burpees

– split how you see fit, 2 people can work at a time.


WOD 2:

4 Bear Complexes – Between 2 People

Bear Complex= P. Clean, FS, S2OH, BS x 7 RNDS- 65/95

If you break before 7, you have a penalty of 1 Complex per break after you both get through 2 Rnds of 7 Complexes.

Partner is Bear Hugging a medball as other partner is getting through the complex.


WOD 3:

It’s a surprise!