HELLOOOO September!!
SKILL WORK – 15 min to work on one of the following:
* Ring Muscle-ups
* Pull-ups (any style)
* Plate Jumps (building confidence in jumping to new heights by adding plates)
GRIZZLY– 5 Sets-1:30 AMRAP
Partner 1: 6 OHS 95/135 M75/105
Partner 2: 6 Box Jumps 24/30
*Both complete and switch
Max Kipping Chest to Bar / Bar Muscle Ups/ Ring Muscle Ups
-rest 1:30 between rounds-
KODIAK–5 Setds- 1:30 AMRAP
Partner 1: 6 Overhead Squats 80/115 M65/95
Partner 2: 6 Box Jumps 20/24
Both complete and switch
Max Kipping Pull Up/Kipping Chest to Bar/ Bar Muscle Ups
-rest 1:30 between rounds-
POLAR– 5 Sets- 1:30 AMRAP
Partner 1: 6 Front Squats (light)
Partner 2: 6 Box Step Ups
Both complete and switch
Max Jumping Pull Up /Jumping Chest to Bar /Kipping Pull Up
-rest 1:30 between rounds-