Our new spot is awesome! 171 3rd Street- park in the Monticito overflow lot, first right after Redwood Credit Union or to the left once you pull into the parking lot, specific parking for 171, its facing San Rafael High. Cant wait to see you!
Every 2 Minutes Until 150 Reps:
14/18 Calorie Row
Max Wall Balls 14/20
Score = Time it takes to complete the workout
Every 2 Minutes Until 150 Reps:
14/18 Calorie Row
Max Wall Balls 10/14
AFTER PARTY- Accumulate The Following Totals:
1:30 Freestanding Handstand Hold (or against the wall)
2:00 Push-Up Plank Hold
Every 2 Minutes Until 150 DB Squats:
200m Run
Max DB Squats
Every 2 Minutes Until 150 Jump Squats:
200m Run
Max Jump Squats