Our new spot is awesome! 171 3rd Street- park in the Monticito overflow lot, first right after Redwood Credit Union or to the left once you pull into the parking lot, specific parking for 171, its facing San Rafael High. Cant wait to see you!
For Calories:
In 20 Minutes accumulate Max Calories on the Bike:
Minute 1: Partner 1
Minute 2: Partner 2
Score = Total Calories Accumulated
Tabata “Midline” (8:00)
20-seconds of work / 10-seconds of rest for 4 intervals:
Tabata Side Plank (Right)
Tabata Side Plank (Left)
Tabata Hollow Hold
Tabata Front Plank
[Rest 1:00]
Tabata “PumpTown” (8:00)
20-seconds of work / 10-seconds of rest for 4 intervals:
DB Curls
DB Tricep Extensions
DB Bent-Over Rows
DB Strict Press
Hold one dumbbell in both hands for all movements
In 20 Minutes accumulate Max Calories on the Bike (or any machine):
Minute 1: Partner 1
Minute 2: Partner 2 (if not partner, rest for 1:00)
Score = The number of calories accumulated in 20 minutes
In 20 Minutes accumulate Max Meters (or any machine):
Minute 1: Partner 1 Runs
Minute 2: Partner 2 Runs (if not partner, rest for 1:00)
Score = The number of meters accumulated in 20 minutes
Try to mark out the course every 25 or 50 meters.