October 22
- 40 Box Jump 24/20
- 40 KBS 53/25
- 40 Wall Ball 20/14
- 800M Run
- 30 Box Jump
- 30 KBS
- 30 Wall Ball
- 800M Run
- 20 Box Jump
- 20 KBS
- 20 Wall Ball
October 21 – 5 RNDS
- Bodyweight Back Squat Max Reps
- Push-ups Max Reps
Rest as needed
October 20 – 20 Min AMRAP
- 20 Jumping Pull-ups
- 20 Sit-ups
- 20 Squats
- Dumpster Run
October 19 – 7 RNDS
- 5 Thrusters 135/95
- 12 Pull-ups
October 18
- 30 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
- 30 T2B
- 30 Wall Ball 20/14
- 90 Double Unders
- 30 DB Ground to Overhead 50/30
- 30 Push-ups (Games Standard)
- 30 Deadlift
October 17 – 5 RNDS
- 7 Cleans 155/105
- 14 KBS 70/44
October 14
- 30 Over Head Squats 95/65
- 400 M Run
- 30 Power Snatch
- 400 M Run
- 30 Front Squats
- 400 M Run
- 30 Power Cleans
October 13– The Chief- 5 Rnds – Max Rnds in 3 min of
- 3 Power Cleans 135/96
- 6 Push Ups
- 9 Air Squats
- Rest 1 Min
October 12– CrossFit Total
October 11– 20 Min AMRAP
- 400 M Run
- 7 Muscle Ups
October 10 – 5 RNDS
- 5 OHS 135/95
- 10 Toes To Bar
- 15 Dumbbell Squat Clean
- 20 Double Unders
October 8 – 5 RNDS, 4 REPS
30 Sec On / 30 Sec Off
- Row
- Box Jump 30/24
- Thrusters 115/75
- Pull-ups
October 7 – 4 RNDS
- 30 Wall Balls 20/14
- 30 KBSDHP 53/35
- 400M Run
October 6
- 350M Row
- 30 Deadlifts 225/185
- 30 Toes to Bar
- 20 DB Ground to Overhead 50/30
- 400M Row
- 30 Thrusters 45/33
- 30 OH Walking Lunges 45/25
- 20 Burpees
October 5
30 Wall Balls 20/14
- 9 OHS 135/95
- 18 Pull-ups
- 250M Run
30 Burpees
October 4 – 18-15-12-9-6-3
- Box Jumps 24/20
- Push Jerk 115/75
- Hang Power Clean
October 3
- 1 Mile Run
- 150 Air Squats
- 100 Sit-ups
- 50 Push-ups
- 1 Mile Run