GRIZZLY-Partner Throwdown Friday
1000/850m row (split)
100 double unders (each, at the same time)
50 Synchro Dumbbell Front Squats 35/50 M25/40
100 double unders (each, at the same time)
1000/850m row (split)

KODIAK1000/850m row (split)
75 double unders (each, at the same time)
50 Synchro Dumbbell Front Squats 25/35 M20/30
75 double unders (each, at the same time)
1000/850m row (split)

POLAR800/700m row (split)
100 single unders (each, at the same time)
50 Synchro Goblet Front Squats
100 single unders (each, at the same time)
800/700m row (split)