4th of July Schedule- 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM & 10:30 AM classes.
25 Deadlifts (155/105 lb)
400 meter Run
10 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Clean-and-Jerks (155/105 lb)
800 meter Run
10 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Clean-and-Jerks (155/105 lb)
10 Strict Pull-Ups
800 meter Run
10 Clean-and-Jerks (155/105 lb)
10 Strict Pull-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Deadlifts (155/105 lb)
Shane Eric Patton, Son of James J. Patton and Valerie A. Berdeski, was a U.S. Navy SEAL. He was killed in action in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005 and was 22 years old.
On that day he was called into action when four of his fellow teammates were under attack and outnumbered by 120. Shane and other brave SEALs jumped into a helicopter to go get them. When they arrived they started to descend to let the seals out. Right at that moment the helicopter was shot down by an RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade).