Power Clean:
Heavy 3 Rep
Heavy 2 Rep
3 Heavy Singles (Build to 85-90% through the 3 singles)

GRIZZLY– 30 Pull Ups
3 Rounds of DT 105/155 M80/115
20 Pull Ups
2 Rounds of DT
10 Pull Ups
1 Round of DT
One round of DT = 12 Deadlifts + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 S2OH

KODIAK-20 Pull Ups
3 Rounds of DT 95/135 M75/105
15 Pull Ups
2 Rounds of DT
10 Pull Ups
1 Round of DT

POLAR– 20 Ring Rows
3 Rounds of Dumbbell DT (light)
15 Ring Rows
2 Rounds of Dumbbell DT (light)
10 Ring Rows
1 Round of Dumbbell DT (light)