GYMNASTICS: Handstand Push-ups
3 Max Effort sets, rest 1 min between sets:
Level 1: Strict Deficit HSPU
Level 2: Strict HSPU
Level 3: Box Handstand Push Ups
Level 4: Push Ups
Level 5: Elevated Push Ups
GRIZZLY- For Time:
40/50 Calorie Air Bike +Total Bike seconds in Burpees to Bar
For example, if the bike takes 60 seconds, then you have 60 burpees to bar
Note: there is no time cap on the bike. Get it done. But the max number of required burpees is 100 reps.
KODIAK– 32/40 Cal Bike
POLAR– 24/30 Cal Bike
MOBILITY- 10x 5 Second Cobra
2 Minute Bench Stretch Thoracic Spine
2 Minute Bench Stretch for Lats