Gymnastics Skill Review- Take this time to warm- up and practice form and efficiency in the gymnastic option that you plan to do in today’s workout.
* Bar Muscle-ups
* Chest to Bar Pull-ups
* Pull-ups
* Jumping Pull-ups

GRIZZLY– 4 Sets (Every 5:00)
5 Bar Muscle Ups Or 10 Chest to Bar
10 Overhead Squats 65/95 M55/75
5x50ft Shuttle Runs
10 Overhead Squats
5 Bar Muscle Ups Or 10 Chest to Bar

KODIAK-4 Sets (Every 5:00)
3 Bar Muscle Ups Or 6 Chest to Bar
10 Overhead Squats 55/75 M45/65
5x50ft Shuttle Runs
10 Overhead Squats
3 Bar Muscle Ups Or 6 Chest to Bar

POLAR– 4 Sets (Every 5:00)
5 Jumping Pull Ups
10 Dumbbell Front Squats (light)
4x50ft Shuttle Runs
10 Dumbbell Front Squats (light)
5 Jumping Pull Ups

MOBILITY15x Bootstrappers
1 Minute Barbell Forearm Stretch
2x 8 Bretzel