3 sets x 3 Deadlifts (85-90%)
-Complete a set every 2:45-

Round 1: 3 Power Cleans
105/155 M80/115 + 1 Wall Walk
Round 2: 3 Power Cleans
105/155 M80/115 + 2 Wall Walks
Round 3: 3 Power Cleans
105/155 M80/115 + 3 Wall Walks
Round 4: 6 Power Cleans
105/155 M80/115) + 4 Wall Walks
Round 5: 6 Power Cleans
105/155 M80/115 + 5 Wall Walks

** The workout continues increasing in this manner until time is up. For scoring, note the round number of the last round successfully completed + reps into the next round.

KODIAKPower Cleans  95/135 M75/105

POLARDumbbell Hang Power Cleans (light) and inch worms