GRIZZLY– Teams of 3:

20:00 AMRAP

Partner 1: Max Calorie Row

Partner 2: 2 Rounds

3 Power Snatch 80/115 M65/95

6 Overhead Squats 80/115 M65/95

9 Pull Ups

Partner 3: Rest

*Switch when Partner 2 finishes the two rounds

Score: Rounds = total rounds completed of the 3+6+9 (incomplete rounds don’t count) Reps = total calories on the row

KODIAK– Teams of 3:
20:00 AMRAP
Partner 1: Max Calorie Row
Partner 2: 2 Rounds
3 Power Snatch 65/95 M55/75
6 Overhead Squats 65/95 M55/75
7 Pull Ups
Partner 3: Rest
Switch when Partner 2 finishes the two rounds

POLAR– Teams of 3:
20:00 AMRAP
Partner 1: Max Calorie Row
Partner 2: 2 Rounds
6 Dumbbell Snatch (light)
8 Dumbbell Front Squats (light)
10 Ring Rows
Partner 3: Rest
Switch when Partner 2 finishes the two rounds