Tamalpais CrossFit WOD March 24 2025
meshelle mifsud2025-03-23T06:24:38-08:0020 Rep Back Squat- at 50-60% of 1RM GRIZZLY- Every 4:00 (4 sets) 12 Toes to Bar 16 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20/24 12 Toes [...]
20 Rep Back Squat- at 50-60% of 1RM GRIZZLY- Every 4:00 (4 sets) 12 Toes to Bar 16 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20/24 12 Toes [...]
GRIZZLY- 5 Rounds for Time 15 Kettlebell Swings 35/53 10 Lunges 200 M Run 10 Push-Ups 15 Sit-Ups 10 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls KODIAK- 5 [...]
Gymnastics Skill Review- Take this time to warm- up and practice form and efficiency in the gymnastic option that you plan to do in today’s [...]
GRIZZLY- 1750/2000m Row or 1600 M Run -into- 200 Single Unders 50 Strict Abmat Sit Ups 150 Double Unders 50 V-Ups 100 Crossover Singles 50 [...]
GYMNASTICS: Handstand Push-ups 3 Max Effort sets, rest 1 min between sets: Level 1: Strict Deficit HSPU Level 2: Strict HSPU Level 3: Box Handstand [...]
Bench Press: - Heavy Single GRIZZLY- 10:00 AMRAP 10 Dumbbell Bench Press 35/50 M25/40 5 Strict Pull Ups Or 10 Ring Rows KODIAK- 10:00 AMRAP [...]
GRIZZLY- Every 12:00 (2 sets) 3 rounds 24 Wall Balls 14/20 12 Toes to Bar 6 Clean and Jerks 95/135 M75/115 KODIAK- Every 12:00 (2 [...]
GRIZZLY/KODIAK- 30 Reps partitioned anyway- use as a flush or go heavy and hard for fitness sake :) Wall Balls 14/20 Push Ups MedBall Clean [...]
GRIZZLY- 5 wall walks 50-calorie row 5 wall walks 25 deadlifts 155/225 M125/185 5 wall walks 25 cleans 85/135 M65/95 5 wall walks 25 snatches [...]
Heavy 2-rep Dead Stop Press (Build in weight) GRIZZLY-2 sets (Begin set 2 at 12:00) 21-15-9 Calorie Row Burpees- feel free to run instead!! Calorie [...]