Tamalpais CrossFit WOD December 13 2024
meshelle mifsud2024-12-12T17:30:39-08:00GRIZZLY- For Time: 100ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge 35/50 M25/40 5 Wall Walks OR 50ft Handstand Walk 25 Toes to Bar 100ft Single Dumbbell Walking [...]
GRIZZLY- For Time: 100ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge 35/50 M25/40 5 Wall Walks OR 50ft Handstand Walk 25 Toes to Bar 100ft Single Dumbbell Walking [...]
4 sets: 6 Bench Press (Heavy) 12 Push Ups 25 Bench Dumbbell Fly (light) -Rest 2:00–2:30 between sets- GRIZZLY- Teams of 2 5 sets (each/1:1) [...]
GRIZZLY- 2 Sets- AMRAP 4:00 10 Dumbbell Front Squats- 35/50 M25/40 10 Box Jumps 20/24 -Rest 2:00- AMRAP 4:00 10 Dumbbell S2OH 10 Burpee over [...]
GYMNASTICS: KIPPING HSPU 5 sets of work with 1 min rest after each set. GRIZZLY: 6 to 10 Kipping HSPU on a flat or deficit [...]
5 sets x 2 Overhead Squats (Build in weight or stay) -complete one set every 2:00- GRIZZLY- 3 sets (Every 7:00) 2 Rope Climbs Or [...]
GRIZZLY- 4 sets 50 Double Unders 9 Burpee Dumbbell Deadlift 35/50 M25/40 35 Double Unders 7 Burpee Dumbbell Deadlift 20 Double Unders 5 Burpee Dumbbell [...]
GRIZZLY- 4 sets 12 GHD Sit Ups Or V-Ups 6 Bar Muscle Ups Or 12 Chest to Bar 6 Squat Snatch 95/135 M75/105 12 GHD [...]
GRIZZLY- 15:00 AMRAP 200m Run 1-2-3-4-5-6. . . Wall Walks *Run is equal to 4 reps (1 rep = 50m) KODIAK- 15:00 AMRAP 200m Run [...]
5 sets- 3 Thrusters (build-in weight) -complete one set every 1:30- * Bar can be taken from the rack. GRIZZLY- 4 sets (every 4:00) 12-10-8 [...]
BAR MUSCLE UPS: WEEK 8- Testing Day! This is the final week in our bar muscle-up cycle. 2:00 AMRAP for max reps of: GRIZZLY: Bar [...]