Tamalpais CrossFit WOD October 2 2024
meshelle mifsud2024-10-01T12:29:14-08:008 sets x 2 Snatch (Singles, build in weight) -Every 1:30- GRIZZLY- 15:00 AMRAP 10 Left Arm Hang Dumbbell Clean and Jerks 35/50 M25/40 10 [...]
8 sets x 2 Snatch (Singles, build in weight) -Every 1:30- GRIZZLY- 15:00 AMRAP 10 Left Arm Hang Dumbbell Clean and Jerks 35/50 M25/40 10 [...]
STRICT HANDSTAND PUSH- UPS: WEEK 5: 10 minute EMOM Odd Minute: GRIZZLY: 30 seconds of Deficit Strict HSPU [45/25 plates] KODIAK: 30 seconds of Deficit [...]
Back Squats 2 Reps at 75% x 6 Sets -Every 1:30- GRIZZLY- 2 sets: 3 Rounds 15 Wall Balls 14/20 9 Pull Ups 3 Wall [...]
GRIZZLY- 24 Thrusters 55/75 M45/65 24 Chest to Bar 100ft DB Front Rack Carry 35/50 M25/40 21 Chest to Bar 21 Thrusters 55/75 M45/65 -Rest [...]
GRIZZLY- For time: 1600m Run or 1800/2000m Row -At the 12:00 Mark- 3 Shuttle Run Sprints 3 Shuttle Any Object Carry 50/70 M35/50 4 Shuttle [...]
GRIZZLY- 45 Push-Ups 24/30 Calorie Row 30 Handstand Push Ups 24/30 Calorie Row 15 Strict Handstand Push Ups KODIAK- 30 Push-Ups 20/25 Calorie Row 20 [...]
GRIZZLY- 5 Rounds 175m Run 12 Toes to Bar 6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 50/70 M35/50 KODIAK-5 Rounds 175m Run 10 Toes to Bar 8 Alternating [...]
GRIZZLY- 3 Rounds 15/11 Calorie Air Bike 11 Burpees over 12in item KODIAK- 3 rounds 10/12 Calorie Air Bike 11 Burpees over 12in item POLAR- [...]
GRIZZLY- 30 Deadlifts 125/185 M90/140 2 Rope Climbs Or 6 Strict Pull Ups 24/30 Calorie Row 2 Rope Climbs Or 6 Strict Pull Ups 30 [...]
GRIZZLY- Teams of 3: 20:00 AMRAP Partner 1: Max Calorie Row Partner 2: 2 Rounds 3 Power Snatch 80/115 M65/95 6 Overhead Squats 80/115 M65/95 [...]