Tamalpais CrossFit WOD June 9 2017
tamcross2017-06-08T20:29:23-08:00Teams of 4- 4 RNDS rotation happens once all work is done 250 M Row 200 M Run 100 M Sandbag Carry 50 M Farmers [...]
Teams of 4- 4 RNDS rotation happens once all work is done 250 M Row 200 M Run 100 M Sandbag Carry 50 M Farmers [...]
4 RNDS 8-10 Reps BSS Strict Pull Ups or Weighted Strict Pull Ups THEN: "Graceful Karen" 8 Min Amrap Grace- 30 "Clean & Jerks" in [...]
40-30-20-10-5 KB Deadlift 53/44 DB Floor Press 40/30 DB Lunge 40/30 DB Renegade Row 40/30 200 M Run Btwn each rnd
3 RNDS L-Sits- Max Time 7-10 Push Ups or deficit Push Ups Hollow Hold- Max Time THEN: 30 Press 95/65 500 M Run 30 Push [...]
Hot and Spicy Warm Up, followed by: 1 RM Back Squat
Single Leg Box Squat 8 reps X 3 Sets THEN: 9 Man Makers 40/25 21 KBS 53/35 6 Man Makers 15 KBS 3 Man Makers [...]
Happy June!! TCF 7's THEN: 5 RNDS 7 Deadlifts 185/135 200 M Run
Turkish Get Up 2-2-2-2 THEN: 30-20-10 Walking Lunge DB S2OH 40/25 Plate Sit Ups THEN: Foam Roll or Tabata 2 items of your choice.
Sled Push Fun THEN: Flush 4 rnds- 30 s on 30 s to rotate Hip Extentsion Battle Rope Cal Row HKR Airdyne 10 min foam [...]
We have a regular class schedule to celebrate Memorial Day. We will be participating in "Murph" and will have scaling options for those who want [...]