Tamalpais CrossFit WOD October 16 2024
meshelle mifsud2024-10-15T07:57:32-08:006 sets x 6 Back Squats (75%) -Complete a set every 2:00- GRIZZLY- 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 DB Box Step Ups 35/50 M25/35 20/24 8 Dumbbell Floor Press [...]
6 sets x 6 Back Squats (75%) -Complete a set every 2:00- GRIZZLY- 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 DB Box Step Ups 35/50 M25/35 20/24 8 Dumbbell Floor Press [...]
GRIZZLY- 20:00 AMRAP 48/60 Calorie Air Bike 40 GHD Sit Ups Or V-Ups 40ft Handstand Walk Or 4WW 24/30 Calorie Air Bike 30 GHD Sit [...]
6 sets x 6 Deadlifts (75%) -Complete a set every 2:00- GRIZZLY- 27-21-15-9 Calorie Row (women: 21-15-12-7) Hang Squat Cleans 55/75 M45/65 KODIAK-21-15-9-6 Calorie Row [...]
GRIZZLY- 4 Sets: (1 set every 12 minutes) Partner 1: 10x50ft Shuttle Run Partner 2: 20 GHD Sit Ups Or V-Ups -straight into- Partner 1: [...]
6 sets x 4 Deadlifts (75%) -Complete a set every 1:45- GRIZZLY- 40 Push Ups 80 Air Squats 20 Bench Press 85/135 M65/105 40 Wall [...]
GRIZZLY- 5 sets: 16/21 Calorie Row 15 Pull-ups 9 Strict Handstand Push Ups -rest 1:1 between sets- KODIAK-5 sets: 14/16 Calorie Row 12 Pull-ups 6 [...]
6 sets x 4 Back Squats (75%) -Complete a set every 1:45- GRIZZLY- 3 Rounds 21 Hang Power Snatch 55/75 M45/75 7 Box Jumps 24/30 [...]
STRICT HANDSTAND PUSH-UPS: WEEK 6: This is the final week of our strict handstand push-up gymnastic strength cycle. It’s retest day! GRIZZLY: 1 set of [...]
8x1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Jerk (Unbroken, build in weight) -Complete a set every 1:30- GRIZZLY- 14:00 AMRAP 7 Dumbbell [...]
GRIZZLY- 4 Rounds For Time: 24/30 Cal row 30 Bodyweight Box Step Ups 20" 15/20 Cal bike 20 Push-ups SUB 400 M Run for either [...]