8 Minutes For Quality:
20 Jumping Jacks
15 Shoulder Taps
10 Pass Throughs Use broomstick, towel, or band
5 Inchworm to Push-ups
2 Single DB Reverse Lunges, 20 Double-Unders
4 Single DB Reverse Lunges, 20 Double-Unders
6 Single DB Reverse Lunges, 20 Double-Unders
Continue to add (2) reverse lunges per roundRest 2:00
2 Single DB Power Snatches, 20 Double-Unders
4 Single DB Power Snatches, 20 Double-Unders
6 Single DB Power Snatches, 20 Double-Unders
Continue to add (2) power snatches per roundStimulus
• DB Power Snatches will be alternating each rep
• Choose a DB weight that when fresh you’d be able to complete 20+ reps unbroken
• Shoot for unbroken sets on the double unders- sub single unders or short hops onto something flat
• Consistency will beat speed out of the gates
2 Odd-Object Reverse Lunges, 20 Double Taps
4 Odd-Object Reverse Lunges, 20 Double Taps
6 Odd-Object Reverse Lunges, 20 Double Taps
*Continue to add (2) reverse lunges per round
Rest 2:00
2 Odd-Object Ground to Overhead, 20 Double Taps
4 Odd-Object Ground to Overhead, 20 Double Taps
6 Odd-Object Ground to Overhead, 20 Double Taps
*Continue to add (2) ground to overhead per round
• Looking to see how far we can get in each of these 6 Minute AMRAPS
• Let’s choose an object that allows for both of our arms to be working together for the ground to overhead
• Object must start on the ground and finish overhead with both arms locked out for each rep
• Shoot for unbroken sets on the double taps
• A goal here is to be able to keep moving through the entire 6 minutes, with that in mind find a steady pace from the beginning