Add your score to the Instagram/Facebook WOD post so we can keep abreast of your workouts!
2-3 Sets
200m Run
15 Glute Bridges
15 Knuckle Drags
Tic Tac Go”
10 Air Squats + 400m Run
20 Air Squats + 400m Run
30 Air Squats + 400m Run
Continue to add (10) squats per round
• Working through a longer 25 minute workout today
• After each run we’ll add 10 reps to our Air Squats
• Our score today will be the amount of Air Squats we complete plus however many reps we get into the next round
• For ease let’s count the run as 4 reps for the full 400m run (300=3, 200=2, 100=1)
• For Example **
* If you finish the round of 40 Air Squats + the 400m Run and get 10 squats into the next round your score will be 44+10
Tic-Tac-Go” (No Running Version)
For Time:
10 Air Squats + 50 Double-Unders
20 Air Squats + 50 Double-Unders
30 Air Squats + 50 Double-Unders
40 Air Squats + 50 Double-Unders
50 Air Squats + 50 Double-Unders
60 Air Squats + 50 Double-Unders
70 Air Squats + 50 Double-Unders
• Working through a longer workout today we expect this to take between 25-35 Minutes
• Let’s think about breaking up the double unders from the beginning into manageable sets
• Break-up Options**
* 25-25
* 30-20
* 20-20-10
* 10-10-10-10-10
• Try and find a pace on the air squats that will allow you to keep moving
• Your score today will be time of completion