“Sadie Jane” AMRAP 23:00
16 25’ shuttle runs (each 25’ line touch is 1)
9 bar facing burpees
3 power cleans 125/185 M90/130

KODIAK-95/135 M75/115

POLAR- 65/95 M55/75

On February 17th Turnagain CrossFit in Anchorage, Alaska, suffered a partial roof collapse. Multiple members were trapped inside and one member, Sadie Huffer, tragically lost her life.

This workout was written in Sadie’s honor.
23 – This year, 2023

16 – birthday day

9 – softball jersey

3 – trinity, kids, sisters

Sadie loved power cleans and running was a big part of her life. She
often participated in races and her husband, John Paul, is a track coach. Thank you for joining us in celebrating a life lost too soon.