THE OPEN IS HERE!! We will have officially judged CF Open workouts on Friday’s at 6pm & Sunday’s at 9am. If you still wish to attend class, we will have a workout option for you!
22.1- AMRAP 15:
3 Wall Walks
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 35/50 M25/35
15 Box Jump Overs 20/24
*Score = Total Reps
If doing the 22.1 WOD tonight:
5- 10 Min of Practice at a moderate pace
15 Min AMRAP
10 Cal Assault Bike
20 Sit Ups
30 Cal Row
40 Air Squats
500 M Run
20 Sec L- Hang
18 GHD Sit Up
1 Min Rest
then: 2 RDNS
Max effort weighted front plank (on hands) – AHAP
rest as needed between rnds