Happy Independence Day and here is the modified schedule – 8:00, 9:15 and 10:30am classes!

There are many people that put their lives on the line for our safety, health, freedom, well-being, etc. We are thankful for the selfless men and women who do this on a daily basis.

On June 20, 2013, nineteen members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team tragically lost their lives while fighting a fire in Yarnell, Arizona. This WOD is in honor of them:


6 Rounds For Time

30 Air Squats

19 Power Cleans 95/135

7 Strict Pull-Ups

400 meter Run



4 rounds for time of:

15 Air squats

10 Power Cleans 55/75

5 Bent Over Rows

Run 400 meters

In Memory Of

  • Jesse Steed, 36
  • Wade Parker, 22
  • Joe Thurston, 32
  • William Warneke, 25
  • John Percin, 24
  • Clayton Whitted, 28
  • Scott Norris, 28
  • Dustin Deford, 24
  • Sean Misner, 26
  • Garret Zuppiger, 27
  • Travis Carter, 31
  • Grant McKee, 21
  • Travis Turbyfill, 27
  • Andrew Ashcraft, 29
  • Kevin Woyjeck, 21
  • Anthony Rose, 23
  • Eric Marsh, 43
  • Christopher MacKenzie, 30
  • Robert Caldwell, 23