GRIZZLY– Quarterfinals 24.1
4 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute of Snatches 85/135 M65/105
1 minute of Rowing for calories
1 minute of DB Stepup 35/50 M25/40 20”
1 minute of rest

KODIAK– 4 rounds
1:00 Max Snatches 75/115 M55/95
1:00 Max Calorie Row
1:00 Max Dumbbell Box Step Ups 25/35 M20/30 20″
1:00 Rest

POLAR– 4 rounds
1:00 Max Dumbbell Snatch (light)
1:00 Max Calorie Row
1:00 Max Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups (light)
1:00 Rest

Gymnastic Skill- Muscle Up
Level 1: Rotate rounds -Tricep Dips between two boxes/benches alternating with Ring Rows
Level 2: Box Ring Muscle-ups or Jumping Bar Muscle Ups
Level 3: Bar Muscle Ups
Level 4: Ring Muscle Ups
After a skill review, perform EMOM6: 3-8 reps at your level above. Aim to
pick a number that’s maintainable through all rounds.