Tamalpais CrossFit WOD August 4 2017
tamcross2017-08-03T20:23:25-08:00Spider Monkey Mobility THEN: Max Rep BW OHS THEN: 8 Min AMRAP 14 SA DS Push Jerk 50/35 8 T2B
Spider Monkey Mobility THEN: Max Rep BW OHS THEN: 8 Min AMRAP 14 SA DS Push Jerk 50/35 8 T2B
Clarke's first event at the CF Games is the Run Swim Run and will be at 9:30 AM San Rafael time :) 3 RNDS 7 [...]
3 RNDS Partner "L" hold toe touches "L" Sit :20s THEN: Jackie 1000 M Row 50 Thrusters 45# 30 Pull Ups THEN: Hollow Perfection
10 Reps each x 3 RNDS Hip Extension Bandy Lat Pull Down THEN: Max Rep Body Weight Front Squat or 75% BW THEN: 6 RNDS [...]
5 RNDS 3 Bear Complex 155/105 7 Ring Push Ups 15 KBS 53/35 500 M Run
Hamilton- 40 min cap 3 RNDS 1000 M Row 50 Push Ups 1000 M Run 50 Pull Ups scaling options will be available so please [...]
3 RNDS 10 Deadlifts 225/165 20 T2B 30 KBS 53/35 500 M Run
10 RNDS 10 KBSDHP 53/35 10 Goblet Squat at the top of every minute, preform 3 Burpees
The TCF 7's THEN: 3 RNDS of 400 M Run 12 OHS 115/75 21 Sit Ups 42 Double Unders
50 DB FR Lunges 40/25 40 Sit Ups 30 DB Thrusters 40/25 20 DB Push Press 40/25 10 Man Makers 40/25 20 DB Push Jerks [...]