How TCF Will Run The 2017 CrossFit Open
tamcross2017-02-03T11:44:16-08:00Praise the Power Snatch, embrace the beautiful Burpee, it’s Open season and the smell of fitness is in the air!! For everyone that is interested [...]
Praise the Power Snatch, embrace the beautiful Burpee, it’s Open season and the smell of fitness is in the air!! For everyone that is interested [...]
CrossFit Total: 1 RM of Back Squat Press Deadlift
"MEGAN" 3 RNDS 21-15-9 Burpee KBS 35/53 DBL Unders
Wall Dip Jerk Dip Overload Split Jerk THEN: 20 Min AMRAP Max Rep Ring Row or Pull up or Muscle Up run 400 M every [...]
TCF 7's THEN: 3 RNDS 10 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 20 Box Jump 30 Jumping Step Up
10-20-30 Push Ups Wall Balls 20/14 KBSDHP 53/35 800 M Run between each THEN: ABolicious 4 rnds- 20s on 10 s of Bicycle Hollow Rock [...]
Skin the Cat Fun THEN: Wall Dips + Split Jerk Technique THEN: "Baseline" 500 M Row 40 Air Squat 30 Sit Ups 20 Push Ups [...]
8 RNDS 8 DB Step Ups 35/25 24/20 8 Inverted Push Ups 16 Russian Twist 8 Box Jump 8 DB BOR 35/25
THE TCF 7's THEN: 10 Rnds 7 Wall Balls 20/14 3 Burpee 500 M Run
30 Box Jump 24/20 100 Double Unders 30 DB Push Press THEN: BSS 5-5-5 95/65 THEN: ABs- 4 rnds 20s on 10s off Bicycle Hollow [...]