Tamalpais CrossFit WOD November 20 2024
meshelle mifsud2024-11-19T09:31:11-08:00GRIZZLY- 10 Wall Balls 14/20 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20/24 -rest 1:00- 20 Wall Balls 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs -rest 1:30- 30 Wall [...]
GRIZZLY- 10 Wall Balls 14/20 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20/24 -rest 1:00- 20 Wall Balls 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs -rest 1:30- 30 Wall [...]
5-4-3-2-1 Hang Squat Clean + Push Press (Build in weight across sets) Set 1: 5 Hang Squat Cleans + 5 Push Press Set 2: 4 [...]
6 sets x 2 Deadlifts (80%) -Every 1:30- GRIZZLY- 3 sets 5:00 AMRAP 3x50ft Shuttle Runs 10 Pull-ups 3x50ft Shuttle Runs 15 V-ups -Rest 3:00 [...]
GRIZZLY- 2 Sets 1000 M Run 25 Box Jumps 24/30 15 Power Cleans 125/185 M90/140 -rest 6:00 between sets- KODIAK- 2 Sets 800 M Run [...]
2 sets x 2 Back Squats (90-95%) -Complete a set every 3:00- 9:00 GRIZZLY- 5 Rounds 75 Double Unders 15 Shoulder to Overhead 65/95 M55/85 [...]
5-4-3-2-1 Hang Power Snatch + 5-4-3-2-1 Overhead Squat (build-in weight) Set 1: 5 Hang Power Snatch + 5 Overhead Squat Set 2: 4 Hang Power [...]
2 sets x 2 Deadlifts (90-95%) -Complete a set every 3:00- GRIZZLY- 4 sets- 2:00 AMRAP 16/20 Calorie Row Max Wall Ball 14/20 in time [...]
BAR MUSCLE UPS: WEEK 5: 6 rounds, every 90 seconds complete : GRIZZLY: 4-6 Bar Muscle Ups with an extra DIP at the top of [...]
Written in honor of Navy SEAL Senior Chief Chad Wilkinson, who died by suicide on Oct. 29, 2018 as a result of several traumatic brain [...]
GRIZZLY- Teams of 2- 4 Rounds (each) Partner 1: 40 Double Unders 20 Toes to Bar 20 Push Press 55/75 M45/65 40 Double Unders Partner [...]