Tamalpais CrossFit WOD July 27 2024
meshelle mifsud2024-07-26T17:21:36-08:00GRIZZLY- "Bruck" 4 RNDS for time of: 400 M Run 24 Back Squats 125/185 24 S2OH 95/135 KODIAK-1o5/155 M80/115 - S2OH 80/115 M65/95 POLAR- 4 [...]
GRIZZLY- "Bruck" 4 RNDS for time of: 400 M Run 24 Back Squats 125/185 24 S2OH 95/135 KODIAK-1o5/155 M80/115 - S2OH 80/115 M65/95 POLAR- 4 [...]
6 Power Snatch x 6 sets (every 2:00) *Complete in singles, same weight for all sets (-50%). GRIZZLY- 10:00 AMRAP 50 Double Unders 10 Pull [...]
GRIZZLY- 5 sets 20 GHDs Or V-Ups 15 DB Hang Power Clean 35/50 M25/40 50ft DB Lunge Walk 35/50 M25/40 -rest 1:00 after each set- [...]
Build to a Heavy Back Squat GRIZZLY- 6 Rounds 10 Thrusters 65/95 M55/75 10/12 Calorie Row 10 Bar Facing Burpees 10/12 Calorie Row KODIAK- 6 [...]
GRIZZLY- 10-20-30-40 Box Jump Overs (20) 40-30-20-10 Toes to Bar *200m Run after each round KODIAK-10-15-20-30 Box Jump Overs (20) 30-20-15-10 Toes to Bar -200m [...]
Build up to a Heavy Deadlift GRIZZLY- 42 Kettlebell Swings 35/53 16/21 Calorie Air Bike 30 Kettlebell Swings 16/21 Calorie Air Bike 18 Kettlebell Swings [...]
GRIZZLY- Partition Anyway 50- 25ft Shuttle Sprints 50 Hang Power Cleans 65/95 M55/85 50 High Ring Dips (1 MU +) or Ring Dips or Bar [...]
GRIZZLY- 5 Sets (New set every 5:00) 3:00 AMRAP 10 Strict Chin Ups 15 Dumbbell Bench 35/50 M25/40 *Max Calorie Row in Remaining Time -rest [...]
GRIZZLY- 100ft Med Ball Lunge 50 Hang Med Ball Cleans 100ft Med Ball Lunge 10 Wall Walks 100ft Med Ball Lunge 50 Hang Med Ball [...]
GRIZZLY- 5 sets 8 Power Snatch 65/95 M55/85 200m Run 8 Power Snatch 65/95 M55/85 -rest 1:1 between sets- KODIAK- 55/75 M45/65 POLAR- 5 sets [...]