Looking to improve your child’s sports performance?  Help your kids learn to love fitness and stay active?  This week long camp will cover proper warm ups, hand-eye coordination drills,  basic strength training, jumping mechanics, conditioning and more. The kids will learn from professionals and have fun while doing it!

Ages: 7-12 years old
Classes are M/T/W/TH/F From 1-4 pm

Option 1: The Week of July 30th- August 3rd

Option 2: The Week of August 6th- 10th- CLOSED!

$225 for one week or $400 for 2 weeks. Limited to 12 kids per session/week minimum 6 kids.

Register here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=9041&stype=-102&sView=day&sLoc=0

or email: info@tamcrossfit.com