Tamalpais CrossFit and San Rafael Barbell are happy to announce 3 new programs that will run continuously throughout the year:

  • Simply Strength
  • Oly Strong
  • Open and Masters Competition Training


San Rafael Barbell Simply Strength

Simply Strength is simply that! Train smart, train consistently, work the plan and see the results. Strong people have one thing in common, they pick up heavy things and they train smart.

San Rafael Barbell was created to support and enhance the athletic desires of our members. Each week the three strength workouts will be announced. Our Strength Athletes will have the freedom to come in at any time during any regularly scheduled CrossFit Class and lift.  Designed not only to improve your general strength capacity, this training will focus on the major Powerlifting skills: the Back Squat, the Bench Press and the Deadlift. This is a great way to keep up your strength and not interfere with your CrossFit training.

Before participating in Simply Strong, you must agree to adhere to our safety rules by, expressing and displaying a working understanding of the lifts. The safety of yourselves and others must remain a priority at all times. Squatting and Benching with the safety bars in place is mandatory. There will be a no 1 rep maxes without the supervision of a coach. Please note that there will be no access allowed during Oly Strong or the Competition Training classes.

Simply Strength

  • Cost is $30 per month with unlimited access
  • Every 3 to 4 months members of the San Rafael Barbell Club will be given the opportunity to max out their lifts
  • Starts September 9th
  • Access to San Rafael Barbell during any regularly scheduled CrossFit Class
  • The strength program is precise, concise and easy to follow
  • Please note:  NO access is allowed during Oly Strong or the Competition Training classes.


Oly Strong

Skill in the Olympic lifts is an expression of grace, determination, strength and power. San Rafael Barbell invites you to develop your abilities in the Olympic lifts as you execute drills and skills designed to improve your Snatch and Clean & Jerk. Training will be performed in an organized and supportive environment.  All levels are welcome and encouraged to join in and participate!

Oly Strong

  • Cost is $55 per month
  • Class is held at San Rafael Barbell every Tuesday at 5 pm starting Sept. 10th
  • Progress will be charted regularly with group max lifting sessions
  • Coaches will assess your technique and give regular feedback
  • PLUS: Access to San Rafael Barbells Simply Strength program at no additional cost


Open and Masters Competition Training

This training program supports the desires of those athletes wanting to enter the CrossFit competition venue. CrossFit competitions are both stressful and rewarding; it is in testing ourselves that we find what lies beneath. The Open and Masters Competition Training program will identify an athlete’s strengths and weaknesses and provide a blueprint for the development of that athlete. Training will focus on the strategies and tools that the successful CrossFit competitor must have. Competition athletes will learn how to break down and attack a WOD based on their individual skill set. Team TCF will meet every Thursday at 5:00pm.

Open and Masters Competition Training

  • Cost is $65 per month
  • Development for specific CrossFit competitions at least twice per year
  • Class is every Thursday at 5 pm starting Sept. 12th
  • Individualized for your specific skills
  • PLUS:  Access to Oly Strong classes at no additional cost
  • PLUS: Access to San Rafael Barbells Simply Strength program at no additional cost


To participate in any or all of these exciting new programs, just show up for the first class or speak with Michael or Meshelle.