Many of you have been inquiring about the Journal article, “DIY on Display
at Tamalpais”
Below is the shopping list so you too can add resistance to your Dead Lifts:
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For one barbell set up:
4 1/2″ anchors (goes in floor)
4 1/2″ eye bolts
4 1/2″ “threads all” cut into 5″ lengths
16 1/2″ nuts
12 washers
8 lock nuts
2 pieces of 9″ x 1 1/2″ x 1/4″ steel
4- 2″ lengths of protective tubing- used to wrap the “threads all” to protect the bands from ripping
2- 2″ x 12″ Resistance bands from Iron Woody – Scroll Down to almost the bottom of the page, they are listed as “Short Band 12 inch Pairs”
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