Build to Heavy Set of 10
Back Squats
*Score = Heaviest Load

Compete- PART 2: AMRAP 12:
1 Ring Muscle-up
15 Wall Balls 14/20
2 Ring Muscle-ups
15 Wall Balls
3 Ring Muscle-ups
15 Wall Balls

[Add 1 Ring Muscle-up Each Round]
*Score = Rounds + Reps
*If you complete the round of 7 Ring Muscle-ups + 15 Wall Balls and gets 5 Ring Muscle-ups in the round of 8. . . your score would be 7 + 5

Train- PART 2: AMRAP 12:
1 Burpee Pull-up
15 Wall Balls 14/20
2 Burpee Pull-ups
15 Wall Balls
3 Burpee Pull-ups
15 Wall Balls

[Add 1 Burpee Pull-up Each Round]

Sweat- PART 2: AMRAP 12:
1 Burpee Pull-up
15 Wall Balls 10/14
2 Burpee Pull-ups
15 Wall Balls
3 Burpee Pull-ups
15 Wall Balls

[Add 1 Burpee Pull-up Each Round]

AFTER PARTY- Wall Walk Practice
5 Sets For Max Quality Reps:
1 Minute On
1 Minute Off

1 Double Dumbbell Devil’s Press
15 Wall Balls or DB Thruster
2 Double Dumbbell Devil’s Presses
15 Wall Balls
3 Double Dumbbell Devil’s Presses
15 Wall Balls

[Add 1 Double Dumbbell Devil’s Press Each Round]