By now, you should all be registered for the 2013 CrossFit Open, if you are not, please click here to register! The following is the WOD schedule, as all Open WODs will need to be officially judged.
Wednesday’s 5 pm – The WOD is announced- get excited!
Thursday’s at 5 pm– Strategy, practice and technique work. It is not necessary to attend but if the workout calls for Hand Stand Push Ups and you have never done one, you should be attending for coaching tips! If this is the only time you can perform the workout, we will allow it.
Friday’s 5 PM – We will be running the official work out during the 5 pm class and will have several heats. Just like last year we want this to be fun so bring your friends and family and the beverage of your choice. We will stay until all heats have gone.
Sunday’s at 9 AM– we will run heats until all have had a chance but you must arrive at 9 am to participate.
If none of these times work for you, please email [email protected] to make special arrangements.
Important Information:
First WOD is announced Wednesday March 6th and the Open will officially end Sunday April 7th.
Once you have completed the work out, you are responsible for signing into your profile on the CF Games site and entering your score by Sunday at 3 pm each week. You can perform the WOD as many times as you like but you MUST enter your score or it will not count!
Have fun and let the Games begin!