Tamalpais CrossFit WOD May 26 2017
tamcross2017-05-25T20:42:16-08:00We have some big WOD's coming up, "Kelly" today, Murph on Monday (regular class schedule on Monday), please "rest" accordingly :) "Kelly" 5 RNDS 400 [...]
We have some big WOD's coming up, "Kelly" today, Murph on Monday (regular class schedule on Monday), please "rest" accordingly :) "Kelly" 5 RNDS 400 [...]
6 Min AMRAP 30 DBL Unders 10 Burpees 4 Min Rest 6 Min AMRAP 30 Cal Row 10 Ring Push Ups THEN: 800-1 mile jog [...]
10 reps x 3 Rnds Hip Extension Bandy Lat Pull Down THEN: Back Squat 10 reps @70% 10 reps @70% 10 reps @65% THEN: DB [...]
3 RNDS N.F.T 8 BSS Max L Hold 7 "TCF 7's" THEN: 10 Press 95/75 20 OH Walking Lunge 95/75 30 Alt V- Up 10 [...]
Back Squat 10 reps @ 67.5% 10 reps @ 67.5% 10 reps @ 65% THEN: 24 Min AMRAP 200 M Run 10 Pull Ups 200 [...]
Candle Stick to Pistol Fun THEN: 11 RNDS 100 M Run 6 DB Push Press 50/35
Back Squats 10reps @ 65% 10reps @ 65% 10reps @ 60% THEN: 10 V- Ups 20 Jumping Air Squats 30 Alligator Abs 40 Lunges 50 [...]
9 RNDS on a 2 min clock 6 CTB Pull Ups 12 Bent Over Row 115/75 THEN: Ab challenge
Back Squat 10 reps @ 65% 10 reps @ 60% 10 reps @ 60% THEN: 55 Bar Facing Burpees at the top of each min, [...]
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Power Clean 135/95 or 155/105 because you can 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Push Ups