Tamalpais CrossFit WOD September 23 2024
meshelle mifsud2024-09-21T17:01:24-08:00GRIZZLY- 30 Deadlifts 125/185 M90/140 2 Rope Climbs Or 6 Strict Pull Ups 24/30 Calorie Row 2 Rope Climbs Or 6 Strict Pull Ups 30 [...]
GRIZZLY- 30 Deadlifts 125/185 M90/140 2 Rope Climbs Or 6 Strict Pull Ups 24/30 Calorie Row 2 Rope Climbs Or 6 Strict Pull Ups 30 [...]
GRIZZLY- Teams of 3: 20:00 AMRAP Partner 1: Max Calorie Row Partner 2: 2 Rounds 3 Power Snatch 80/115 M65/95 6 Overhead Squats 80/115 M65/95 [...]
STRICT HANDSTAND PUSH-UPS: WEEK 3: 10 minute EMOM Odd Minute: GRIZZLY: 20 Handstand Shoulder Taps [right/left = 2 taps] - belly to wall KODIAK: 16 [...]
GRIZZLY- Every 4:00 (6 Sets) 12/15 Calorie Air Bike 12 Box Jump Overs 20/24 9 Burpee to Bar KODIAK- Every 4:00 (6 Sets) 10/12 Calorie [...]
Build to Heavy Single Back Squat GRIZZLY- AMRAP 12:00 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10… Back Squats 95/135 M-75/105 10 Push Ups after each set KODIAK- AMRAP 12:00 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10… Back [...]
GRIZZLY- 40/50 Calorie Row 40 Alt Hang DB Snatch 35/50 M25/40 40 Toes to Bar 40 Alt Hang DB Snatch 40/50 Calorie Row KODIAK-32/40 Calorie [...]
Build to a Heavy Single Deadlift GRIZZLY- 10 Power Cleans 95/135 M-75/105 200m Run 8 Power Cleans 105/155 M- 80/115 200m Run 6 Power Cleans [...]
We are celebrating another year of fitness-fun! Thanks to you wonderful TCFers, we are going into our 16th year in business!! WOD 1: 10 Min [...]
10 sets of 3 Power Clean and Jerks (1 set every 1:15) * Weight should be 50% of 1RM + 5-10lbs from previous week * [...]
Back Squat for load: #1: 5 reps @ 40% #2: 5 reps @ 50% #3: 5 reps @ 60% We will use 90% of our [...]