Our last fundraising event of the year will be the Luke Worsley Hero WOD on November 21st. All classes will participate in “Luke” (modifications available if needed)
Five Rounds
9 Handstand Push Ups
15 Ring Dips
21 Thrusters
200m Run
This one is close to home as Luke and Coach J were good friends. Private Worsley, 26 years of age from Sydney, was killed by small arms fire while participating in a planned and deliberate attack by our forces against Taliban leaders and their supporters in Oruzgan Province.
We are asking that you donate what ever you can ($.05 or $5.00 it all adds up) into the jar provided at TCF on November 11th. Proceeds will then be donated to Commando Welfare Trust http://www.commandotrust.com/. The Commando Welfare Trust has been created to support both initial emergency funding and then long term financial requirements of families in times of hardship where existing funding or grants or entitlements no longer provide support.