Tamalpais CrossFit WOD June 23 2017
tamcross2017-06-22T18:30:51-08:00TCF SummerFest 2017 will be on June 25th, 12 noon at 101 Surf Sports in San Rafael. You can paddle board or kayak and stay [...]
TCF SummerFest 2017 will be on June 25th, 12 noon at 101 Surf Sports in San Rafael. You can paddle board or kayak and stay [...]
TCF SummerFest 2017 will be on June 25th, 12 noon at 101 Surf Sports in San Rafael. You can paddle board or kayak and stay [...]
TCF SummerFest 2017 will be on June 25th, 12 noon at 101 Surf Sports in San Rafael. You can paddle board or kayak and stay [...]
BN Split Jerk to OHS 1+4 1+3 1+2 1+1- Aim for a heavy Single THEN: 8 RNDS with a Partner 100 M Sprint while your [...]
4 RNDS 10 Burpee 20 Wall Ball 30 Pulls on the Rower 400 M Run 3 Min Rest Score total Meters and Time
10 RNDS 9 Thrusters 95/75 35 DBL Unders THEN: Hollow Perfection 4 rnds of 10-8-6-4 seconds or reps with rest between Hollow Hold ALT V-Up [...]
Spider Monkey Mobility THEN: OHS 7-7-7 3-3-3 THEN: 10 Min AMRAP :30 sec Max Rep Burpees :30 sec rest
Roving Bear- Compare to 3/22/17 5 RNDS 4 Walking Lunges 35/25 7 DB Cleans 4 Walking Lunges 7 Front Squats 4 Walking Lunges 7 Push [...]
21-15-9 Box Jump 24/20 KBS 53/35 800 m run 9-15-21 KBS Box Jump
June 25th is TCF SummerFest 2017- we will be paddle boarding or kayaking at 101 Surf Sports followed by BBQ fun. Sign up on the [...]