Tamalpais CrossFit will resume classes on Monday June 29th at 5:00am!

Borrowed equipment can be returned at one of the following times:

Friday 6/26th from 7-8am

Saturday 6/27th from 9-11am

If you are not yet ready to return to classes and you plan on Zooming, please keep the equipment you borrowed.

Class Schedule for the week:

Friday June 26th 6:30am & 9:00am- ZOOM

Concrete Jungle Gym 6:00am TCF Parking Lot- register here: https://www.wellnessliving.com/schedule/tamcrossfit?id_class_tab=1&k_class=219783

Create your account or login to your existing account, then use the menu to “Book Now” and choose your class!


Saturday June 27th  9:00am- ZOOM

Concrete Jungle Gym 8:00am TCF Parking Lot-register here:


Create your account or login to your existing account, then use the menu to “Book Now” and choose your class!


Monday June 29th– TCF Re-Opens!! Class size will be limited to 10

You must register for CrossFit Classes, Full Throttle M/W/F 8:45am, Competition Training- Sat 6:45am and Olympic Weightlifting  Sun 9am- Please visit https://www.wellnessliving.com/schedule/tamcrossfit?id_class_tab=1&k_class=92324&k_class_tab=12208

Create an account if you haven’t already and sign up for the class of your choice. Please only reserve a class that you know you can attend. If life happens and you are unable to attend a class you registered for, please remove yourself ASAP so that another member can attend.

All classes will also be Zoom classes so if you are not comfortable attending class, you can still join in the fun! More info coming your way soon!!

Login for all ZOOM classes- Meeting Password- 214698



1 Round

1 Minute Glute Bridges
30 Seconds Walkouts
1 Minute Single Leg Glute Bridges (30 Seconds Each)
30 Seconds Walkouts
1 Minute Glute Bridge Walkouts
30 Seconds Walkouts
1 Minute Air Squats
30 Seconds Walkouts


Frog Stretch: 1 Minute

Squat Hold: 30 Seconds

Dumbbell Squat Hold: 1 Minute



Single Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch 35/50
Single Dumbbell Thrusters 35/50



Hang Power Snatch 55/75 M 45/75
Thrusters 55/75 M 45/75



  • Today’s couplet workout is all about weightlifting, as we alternate between 2 single dumbbell movements
  • The rep scheme works down from 30-10 and then back up to 30
  • The workout flows like this:
    30 Single Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches
    30 Single Dumbbell Thrusters
    20 Single Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches
    20 Single Dumbbell Thrusters
    10 Single Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches
    10 Single Dumbbell Thrusters
    20 Single Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches
    20 Single Dumbbell Thrusters
    30 Single Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches
    30 Single Dumbbell Thrusters
  • Within the workout, we’ll alternate arms every 5 reps
  • Choose one light-moderate dumbbell for both movements based on the movement that is more challenging for you
  • This should be a weight that allows you to cycle 30+ reps unbroken when fresh at the more challenging movement
  • Since this workout has fairly high reps [220] with just one piece of equipment, go with a lighter weight if you’re on the fence between two options
  • You can expect this workout to take between [10-18] minutes to complete


  • The hang position is defined as anywhere about the knees
  • After swinging the dumbbell between your legs like a kettlebell, you’ll jump the weight overhead in one fluid motion
  • You can pause at the shoulders on the way down, but not on the way up


  • Holding the dumbbell on one side of the front rack, you’ll squat below parallel and jump the weight overhead
  • Note that there is no re-bend of the knees after the press – the knees should stay locked out




  • Barbell Hang Power Snatches
  • Single Arm Dumbbell Russian Swings
  • Odd Object Ground to Overhead
  • Kettlebell Swings
  • Slamballs
  • Box Jumps


  • Single Dumbbell Goblet Thrusters
  • Wallballs
  • Medicine Ball Squat Cleans
  • Jumping Squats (2x Reps)
  • Odd Object Thrusters
  • Barbell Thrusters




  • If this was a normal 30-20-10 workout, we’d look to start smart on the 30’s to help us thrive through the 20’s and sprint through the final set of 10’s
  • In this workout, the reps go back up following the set of 10, so that strategy won’t be as effective
  • In this case, your set of 10 is essentially the “break” of the workout that bridges the gap between the larger sets
  • Take the full rep number (220) into account when figuring your break-up plan
  • This will help you sustain your effort as you climb back up in reps on the second half
  • Even though we’re only using a single dumbbell, don’t be afraid to break this up into quick sets with very short breaks (Under 10 Seconds) between
  • Once you have your plan in place, do you best to stick with it
  • Consider the following break-up options for each round:
    • Rounds of 30:
      • 1 Set: 30
      • 2 Sets: 15-15
      • 3 Sets: 15-10-5
      • 4 Sets: 8-8-7-7
      • 5 Sets: 6-6-6-6-6
      • 6 Sets: 5-5-5-5-5-5
    • Rounds of 20:
      • 1 Set: 20
      • 2 Sets: 10-10
      • 3 Sets: 10-5-5
      • 4 Sets: 5-5-5-5
    • Round of 10:
      • 1 Set: 10
      • 2 Sets: 5-5
      • 3 Sets: 4-3-3


Body Armor

3 Rounds:
45 Seconds Banded Pull-Aparts or DB Front Raises
45 Seconds Hollow Rocks
45 Seconds Banded Tricep Extensions or DB Tricep Kick Backs
45 Seconds Banded Good Mornings or DB Good Mornings

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds