Happy Holidays! Here is our Holiday Schedule:

Friday, December 24- Christmas Eve: 6, 7, 8 & 9:30am classes

Saturday, December 25th: No classes. Enjoy the holiday!



Strict Pull-ups
Dumbbell Floor Press 35/50 M25/40

After Each Set:
3 Devils Press

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout

[Time Cap= 28 Minutes]



Strict Pull-ups
Dumbbell Floor Press 25/35 M20/30

After Each Set:

3 Devils Press

*Score = Time it takes to complete the workout

[Time Cap= 28 Minutes]


AFTER PARTY- Deadlift:
1 Set of 3 @ 60%1RM
1 Set of 3 @ 68% 1RM
2 Sets of 8 @ 73% 1RM
1 Set of 8+ @ 68% 1RM
(Leave 1-2 Reps In The Tank On Max Set)