Tamalpais CrossFit WOD June 22 2024
meshelle mifsud2024-06-16T11:34:10-08:00GRIZZLY- For time: 30/40 Cal bike 20 Pull-ups 16 Front rack lunges 25/45 M20/40 8 Devils press 25/45 M20/40 16 Front rack lunges 20 Pull-ups [...]
GRIZZLY- For time: 30/40 Cal bike 20 Pull-ups 16 Front rack lunges 25/45 M20/40 8 Devils press 25/45 M20/40 16 Front rack lunges 20 Pull-ups [...]
3 Shoulder Press x 6 sets (80-85%) -Complete a set every 2:00- GRIZZLY/KODIAK- 19:00 AMRAP Run 400 meters with a sandbag (or odd object) 19 [...]
GRIZZLY- Quarterfinals 24.1 4 rounds for max reps of: 1 minute of Snatches 85/135 M65/105 1 minute of Rowing for calories 1 minute of DB [...]
3 Front Squats x 6 sets (80-85%) -Complete a set every 2:00- GRIZZLY- For Time: AMRAP 1:00 7 Barbell Bench Press 95/155 M 75/115 AMRAP [...]
GRIZZLY- 5 sets: 50 Double Unders 12/15 Cal Air Bike 10 Box Jump Overs 24/30 -rest 1:1 between rounds- KODIAK- 5 sets: 1:1 35 Double [...]
Power Clean: Heavy 3 Rep Heavy 2 Rep 3 Heavy Singles (Build to 85-90% through the 3 singles) GRIZZLY- 30 Pull Ups 3 Rounds of [...]
ALL BEARS- Calorie Row Push Press - naked bar or 55/75 Calorie Assault Bike KBSDHP- light or 35/53 10M Farmers Carry light or 35/50 Rest [...]
Every 3:00 (5 sets) 5 Hang Squat Snatch (Build up to 65% of 1RM Snatch) GRIZZLY- 100 Double Unders 100 Wall Balls 14/20 100 Double [...]
GYMNASTICS SKILL STRICT PULL-UP TEST Level 1: Find the lightest band that you can do one strict pull-up with Level 2: Find your max unbroken [...]
3 sets: 10 Shoulder Press (60-65%) 10 (L/R) Bent Over Single Arm Dumbbell Rows -rest 2:00 between sets- GRIZZLY- 12:00 AMRAP 8/10 Calorie Air Bike [...]