Tamlpais CrossFit WOD May 30 2018
tamcross2018-05-29T20:34:54-08:001 RM Press- time to put all the work we did to the test! THEN: 3 RDNS 5 Press (at 50-55% 1rm) 20 KBS 5 [...]
1 RM Press- time to put all the work we did to the test! THEN: 3 RDNS 5 Press (at 50-55% 1rm) 20 KBS 5 [...]
800 M Run 2 RNDS 20 T2b 20 Reverse Lunge w/ Hop ------------- 600 m Run 2 RNDS 20 Sit Ups 20 Push Ups ------------- [...]
Full Class Schedule today! “Tommy Mac” 2 Rounds For Time 12 Burpees 12 Thrusters 115/75 12 Burpees 12 Power Snatches 115/75 12 Burpees 12 [...]
We have a full class schedule on Monday, May 28th- Memorial Day, so come, join in the fun! We will not be doing Murph this [...]
Muscle Up Progression IV THEN: 16 min AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10….. SARKBS 53/35 Jumping Step up 24/20 KBSDHP at the top of ea min, do 4 burpees
3 RDNS NFT: 12 SA KB FR Step Ups 1:00 Airdyne 12 GHD Sit Ups THEN: 5 Back Squats 185/135 20 DB Push Press 45/30 [...]
10min of Handstand work THEN: 500 M Run 30 KBS 500 m Run 30 Dbl Unders 500 M Run 30 Pull Ups 500 m Run
Strict Press 6 r x 4 sets aim for 68-70% 1 rm once you are done with your 4 sets, take the barbell to the [...]
3 Rnds: 14 Barbell OH Step-Ups (add weight if appropriate) Max Strict Pull-Ups 14 DB Bent Over Reverse Flies THEN: 4 RDNS Sled Push [...]
Week 3- Strict Press 6 r x 4 sets aim for 65-68% 1 rm once you are done with your 4 sets, take the barbell [...]