Tamalpais CrossFit WOD June 11 2024
meshelle mifsud2024-06-10T14:46:47-08:00GRIZZLY- Every 6:00 (4 sets) 28/36 Calorie Row 24 Kettlebell Swings 35/53 12 Burpee Over something KODIAK-Every 6:00 (4 sets) 24/30 Calorie Row 20 Kettlebell [...]
GRIZZLY- Every 6:00 (4 sets) 28/36 Calorie Row 24 Kettlebell Swings 35/53 12 Burpee Over something KODIAK-Every 6:00 (4 sets) 24/30 Calorie Row 20 Kettlebell [...]
3 sets: 10 Front Squat (60-65%) 2 Broad Jumps -rest 2:00 between sets- GRIZZLY- 10 Rounds 1 Power Clean 135/205 M95/150 4x50ft Shuttle Run KODIAK- [...]
GRIZZLY- 4 sets- 5:00 AMRAP 400m Run Max Rounds 5 Power Cleans 125/185 M90/140 8 Burpee Box Get Overs 24/30 Rest 2:00 between sets KODIAK- [...]
GRIZZLY- 21-18-15 Dumbbell Bench Press 35/50 M25/40 Chest to Bar Pull Ups -into- 12-9-6 Dumbbell Bench Press 9-6-3 Bar Muscle Ups or Burpee Pull Up [...]
Shoulder Press: Heavy 3 Rep Heavy 2 Rep 3 Heavy Singles (Build to 85-90% through the 3 singles) GRIZZLY- 5 Rounds 21 Kettlebell Swings 35/53 [...]
Front Squat: Heavy 3 Rep Heavy 2 Rep 3 Heavy Singles (Build to 85- 90% through the 3 singles) GRIZZLY- 15-10-5 Deadlift 155/225 M110/165 Shuttle [...]
Gymnastics Skill Work: Crossovers GRIZZLY- 20:00 AMRAP 20/16 Calorie Row 20 Deficit Push Ups 2in/4in 20 GHDs or V-Ups KODIAK- 20:00 AMRAP 13/16 Calorie Row [...]
5 sets (every 3:00): 10 Hang Power Cleans (Build up to 65% of 1RM Clean) GRIZZLY- 3 Rounds 30 Overhead Squats* 65/95 M55/75 30/24 Calorie [...]
GRIZZLY/KODIAK - On a 2:00 clock for 4 Sets 100 M Sled Pull 40 DB Bench Press 35/50 M25/40 30 Battle Rope + 10 Burpee [...]
3 sets: 12 Front Squat (55-60%) 3 seated Box Jumps -rest 2:00 between sets- GRIZZLY- 5 Rounds 3 Wall Walks 9 Power Cleans 95/135 M75/105 [...]