Tamalpais CrossFit WOD May 30 2024
meshelle mifsud2024-05-28T09:34:26-08:00Heavy Squat Snatch (8:00) -into- 3 sets x 8 Hang Muscle Snatch (40-50% of Heavy Snatch) GRIZZLY- 120-90-60 Double Unders 40-30-20 Alternating Hang Dumbbell Snatch [...]
Heavy Squat Snatch (8:00) -into- 3 sets x 8 Hang Muscle Snatch (40-50% of Heavy Snatch) GRIZZLY- 120-90-60 Double Unders 40-30-20 Alternating Hang Dumbbell Snatch [...]
3 sets: 12 Shoulder Press (55-60%) 12 (L/R) Banded Kneeling One Arm Lat Pull down after each set -rest 2:00 between sets- GRIZZLY- Every 4:00 [...]
Ring Dip Skill Work – GRIZZLY- AMRAP 12:00 10-15-20-25…. Calorie Air Bike 25-50-75-100-125ft.. DB Front Rack Carry 35/50 M25/40 Women Calories: 8-12-16-20… -Rest 3:00- AMRAP [...]
7:00, 8:15 & 9:30am classes today- Potluck from 11-12 Happy Memorial Day! GRIZZLY- “Murph” 1-mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Squats 1-mile Run Partition [...]
GRIZZLY- 20:00 AMRAP- Teams of 2 Partner 1 performs all of the odd sets (1-3-5-7-9-11…) Partner 1 performs all of the even sets (2-4-6-8-10…) Hang [...]
10-12 minutes to establish a Heavy Shoulder Press GRIZZLY- 18:00 AMRAP 6-4-2 Bench Press 110/185 M85/135 3-2-1 Rope Climb (Or 12-8-4 Elevated Ring Rows) *Repeat [...]
8:00 to establish a Heavy Power Clean -into- 3x8 Hang Muscle Cleans (40-50% of Heavy Power Clean) GRIZZLY- “Grace” For Time 30 Clean and Jerks [...]
GRIZZLY- 6 rounds: 10/12 Calorie Air Bike 12 Overhead Squats 55/75 KODIAK- 6 rounds: 8/10 Cal Air Bike 12 Overhead Squats 45/65 M35/55 POLAR- 6 [...]
Ring Dip Skill Work – GRIZZLY- AMRAP 2:00 50 Double Unders 25ft Handstand Walk OR 2 Wall Walks Max Deadlifts 155/225 M110/165 *Go until you [...]
Establish a Heavy Single Front Squat MURPH PREP - 2x800m Run -rest 2:00 after each set- -into- 3 Sets: 20 Pull-ups 40 Push-ups 60 Air [...]